Nature has a way of healing our ailments in different forms. Plants and herbs are one of them. Out of these plants comes another great haircare product; Tea Tree Oil.
Extracted from “Melaleuca Alternifolia” leaves, a plant normally found in Australia. It is an all-time favorite for shampoo and face serum usage. The reason is evident; it is an incredible hair nourisher.
So, if you are wondering if tea tree oil is good for your hair or not? Here’s everything you need to know about it.
Why Use Tea Tree Oil for Hair?

All the hair problems originate from hair follicles. When you go out, the dirt and pollution get stuck on your scalp, causing clogging of hair follicles. And when this dirt does not get cleared, it starts hair issues like dandruff, itchy scalp, hair thinning, and hair fall.
Another common hair issue is exposure to UV rays that drain the moisture out of your scalp. In turn, the scalp becomes dry, itchy, and flakes become evident.
How tea tree oil helps, in this case, is because of its anti-inflammatory and cleansing properties. It not just clears your scalp of any dirt but also improves healthy growth and hair texture.
Read More: Best Essential Oils for Curly Hair
Benefits of Tea Tree Oil for Hair

Tea tree oil can be easily found in shampoos and hair tonics. But to gain the maximum benefits, we recommend to use the raw form.
No more dandruff
As you know, the main cause of dandruff is dirt, dryness, and fungal growth. Now, it seems that anything with hydrating and antimicrobial properties can help get rid of dandruff. But that’s not true, as most hydrating products create a build-up on your scalp, which is not easy to cleanse.
As an alternative, use tea tree oil. It contains antibacterial and antifungal properties that help cleanse your scalp of all the dirt and debris. This way, it clears the hair follicles and keeps dandruff away.
Clears scalp
Most everyday shampoos are filled with sulfates, an ingredient that builds up on your scalp and suffocate your strands. If you’re looking for a tonic that clears your scalp and improves your hair growth, use tea tree oil as your next cleansing partner.
Its antimicrobial properties remove skin flakes and reduce germs and microbes from infecting your scalp.
For Dry Scalp and Coarse Hair
Scalp dryness is the worst thing that makes your hair look like you just came out of a brawl. It makes your hair coarser, rough, and harder to style for any situation.
Tea tree oil's thick and rich texture locks the hair moisture and hydrates your scalp from within. Regular use of this oil may be your ticket to permanently getting smooth and shiny hair.
Relieve itching
Itchy scalp is a common issue that happens because of dry scalp, dandruff, sweat, dirty, or just about any chemical ingredient you use on your scalp.
Also Read: Probiotics in Shampoo - What do you need to know?
For this, a fine massage of tea tree oil is your ticket to getting smoother, rich, and shiny hair. The oil is packed with Vitamin E, which is a fine ingredient to control sebum production and reduce the effect of itchiness.
For Oily Scalp
Too much oil or too less oil can lead to complications on your scalp. Sebum, which is the natural oil production process, can have its shift in life because of many issues. This includes your age, genetics, cleansing activities, or build-up of dirt residue.
If you have an oily scalp or you feel like your hair is dry, use tea tree oil. The natural properties of tea tree oil are among the best products that control excessive sebum production. Less oil means minor itching and fewer infections.
May Prevent Hair Fall
The hair fall rate slowly decreases once the hair stops infection and inflammation. Tea tree oil also strengthens hair strands and makes them stronger, so they don’t break. Regular use of tea tree will make your hair look thicker and heavier with time.
Promotes Hair Growth
The natural tea tree oil comes with fat-soluble vitamins that nourish the hair. It improves the blood circulation to the scalp and lets the nutrients reach the follicles better. It is an essential oil; thus, it works as food for your head. So once the hair gets these rich nutrients, they don’t easily fall.
How to Use Tea Tree Oil for Hair

As tea tree oil is an essential oil, the texture may cause irritation. For this, mix it with a carrier oil or a lightweight ingredient.
For Hair Growth
- To make a hair growth mask, mix tea tree oil with other hair-healthy essential oils like almond, olive, or coconut oil
- Apply this mixture to your scalp for half an hour or overnight
- In the morning, rinse as usual with shampoo
You can also heat the oil and give yourself a relaxing head massage. The nutrients present in these oils will go inside your scalp and promote growth.
For Itchy Hair
- Mix 2 to 3 drops of tea tree oil in distilled water
- Add this mixture to a bottle and spray on your hair
This hair mask will act as a detangler spray and will protect your hair from UV rays. And best above all, you can lock your hair moisture throughout the day.
As a Daily Cleanser
You can also use tea tree oil as your everyday cleansing partner.
- For this, add a few drops of tea tree oil to your shampoo and conditioner
- Massage it gently onto your scalp and wait 5 minutes before rinsing with water
Take Away
Tea tree oil is a game-changer and is already an all-time favorite of many haircare brands. From controlling your itchiness to making your hair thick and shiny, tea tree oil is bestowed with tons of great benefits.
When used the right way, it has the ability to fix a lot of hair problems once and for all.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are there any side effects of tea tree oil for hair?
As this is an essential oil, it can cause irritation to the regular scalp. For this, mix it with light-weight ingredients or carrier oil of your choice. But before you go into any DIY-ninja mode, it is recommended to do a patch test. Just apply a small amount of oil to the area to see if you’re not allergic to it.
Can I use tea tree oil on my hair daily?
For best results, massage your scalp with tea tree oil twice weekly.
Can I apply tea tree oil directly to the scalp?
Applying undiluted tea tree oil directly onto your scalp may cause irritation. Dilute it with a carrier oil of your choice to gain maximum benefit.