Fine Line and Wrinkles - What's the difference and How to get rid of this

Fine Line and Wrinkles - What's the difference and How to get rid of this

Fine line and wrinkles, two of the most common skincare problems that everyone experience once in a while. What product to use? Which DIY skincare method will help us? There are just so many curiosities.

It’s obvious, and most people even in their 20s want to get rid of this. But the bitter truth is that aging is a natural process. It shows that we have smiled, we have laughed and most importantly, we have lived our lives in people that make us feel special.

While it's something that you shouldn't be afraid of, it is understandable if you want to fight it and reduce the sign of aging.

But first, learning about what you’re fighting is the key highlight here. Many people mistake these terms as the same. But the truth is, they are actually quite different.

The Difference Between Fine Line and Wrinkles

The difference between fine lines and wrinkles

What are Fine Lines?

Fine lines are small, shallow creases lines that form on our skin. It is mostly in thin, delicate form and can be easily formed on your face associate with repetitive movements. Fine lines can be happening because of smiling, laughing, thinking, frowning, and squinting.

It can be found mostly under your eyes, around the mouth, and sometimes the cheeks. The skin around these special areas is a relative thing and moves constantly the entire day, hence the fine lines get most of their hold here.

More technically, fine lines are associated with the earliest signs of aging. Think of fine lines as baby wrinkles that will grow and spread over time. If not treated or fixed on time, the fine line converts into deeper folds, aka the wrinkles.

What causes fine lines?

The major causes of fine lines include:

  • Fry and Dry Skin
  • Side Sleeping
  • Sun Exposure
  • Loss of Elastin and Collagen
  • Aging
  • Smoking
  • Repetitive Movement

Read More: Simple Anti-Aging Tips for your Skin Care Routine

What are Wrinkles?

Think of wrinkles like more advanced or untreated versions of fine lines. Unlike fine lines, where you can come up with a possible movement cause, wrinkles can happen because of your health. They can appear not only on your face, but also on your chest, neck, face, elbow, and other parts of the body.

When we grow older, our muscle contraction can pull our skin out of its natural position. This may be a natural process but can happen to the smoothest of skin or younger folks. So, in short, if you don't treat your fine line, it can grow and become wrinkles.

The careful thing here is that wrinkles are permanent. They are more prominent and harder to reduce than any of your other skincare treatments.

Thankfully, there are a lot of formulas and products in the market today, ranging from scrubs, essential oils, lotion and serums, and even supplements that can help you get rid of the sign of aging.

Natural Ways to fix Skin Problems

Natural ways to fix fine line and wrinkles

Here are the best 5, and possible fast ways to get rid of wrinkles at any age.

  1. Drink Plenty of Water

Yup, you heard that right! Water yet alone can fix tons of your skincare problems, without having you spend a fortune. Drinking at least 8-10 glasses of water every day will help keep your skin moist and combat wrinkles. It flushes the environmental toxins from your body, promoting more radiant and healthy skin.

  1. Cleanse with Regular Soap

You don't have to get expensive lotions or soaps to treat fine lines. By just cleaning your face with regular soap, you can see the results.

  • Splash your skin with lukewarm water
  • Lather the soap on your hands and massage your skin in a circular motion
  • Rinse it off with lukewarm water
  • Now splash your face with cool water to tighten the pores
  • Pat your skin dry with a soft towel
  1. Use Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is a natural moisturizer that not only help you fight the signs of aging but also gets rid of acne scars and other skin problems. When you put coconut oil in your skin, it fills up the unclogged gaps in your epidermis, giving your skin a silky and shiny look. It's also a great treatment for people that have dry skin – so it’s a win-win situation for everyone

  1. Get yourself a sleeping beauty

That's just a fancy line to get your attention, but you get the point. When you sleep 7-8 hours every night, it gives your body a chance to properly heal. At night, our body produces an immune hormone that increases cell reproduction. This results in the treatment for a lot of problems, and in our case fine lines and wrinkles!

Read More: Argan Oil for Hair - A Natural Alternative for your Hair Problems

Although the reproduction of hormone implements on your full body, but the noticeable effects are on your face and neck. So, make sure you shut off your phone next time you go into the bed.

  1. Maintain a Healthy Diet

We know that it's like the basic 101 to get healthy skin, but do you know that foods that contain Vitamin C have proven effective for fine lines and wrinkles?

Here's the technical part, Vitamin C builds collagen, which makes your skin vibrant and firmer by look. They also help protect your skin from Sunlight, meaning that you won't have to use sunscreen anymore.

Some foods packed with Vitamin C include tomatoes, strawberries, mango, pineapple, broccoli, chili peppers, salmon, walnut, and almonds. So next time you go to any grocery store, make sure you add some of these too to your bucket list.

Fight the Signs of Aging with The Henna Guys

Treat your fine line and wrinkles with the henna guys

Yes, we know, again some products promising to clear fine lines!

But trust us, they all work!

The Henna Guys offer a premium lineup of products, all carefully comprised to help you save from your most skin-related concerns. Whether you have acne scars, dry skin, or just looking to add a little shine on your body - we've got you covered.

  1. Luxurious Whipped Coconut Body Wash
Luxurious Whipped Coconut Body Wash

Remember the Coconut oil we talked about? If you don't want to use oil on your face, then this coconut body wash is perfect for you. Designed from the ground up to enhance and uplift your skin, this body wash is filled with minerals, vitamins, and fatty acids used to rejuvenate your skin.

The dehydrated coconut Milk found in the ingredients can enhance your skin elasticity, fighting wrinkles and fine lines along the way. You can use it for both exfoliation and massager.

  1. Ultimate Age Defying Facial Serum
Ultimate Age Defying Facial Serum

Fight the effect of aging on your skin with our ultimate age-defying serum. Carefully formulated to help fight signs of aging with prominent ingredients hyaluronic and niacinamide acid. Not only does it promote your glow but it also tones your skin without having to use harmful chemicals.

  1. Advanced Healing Facial Serum

Advanced Healing Facial Serum

Want to bring back your skin to life? Use our advanced healing serum, carefully formulated with all the natural ingredients to promote healthier and softer skin. Promote healthy skin cells, fight free radicals and naturally moisturize your skin. You can use this serum as part of your daily routine for effective skin cell turnover.

  1. Age Defense Cream

Age Defense Cream

Indulge yourself with the buttery and smooth feeling of our age defense cream. Made with Organic Goat Milk, Aloe Leaf Juice, Coconut Oil, and Jojoba Seed oil. Each one of these ingredients has its own benefits for your skin, ranging from rich antioxidant protection to natural moisturization, it got everything you need for a skin-regeneration.

  1. Calendula Cream
Calendula Cream


Get softer and younger-looking skin with our Calendula age defense cream. Its natural ingredients promote healthier skin, hydrate your body texture and improve complexion. The Henna Guys Calendula cream is mixed with hand-picked organic ingredients such as aloe leaf juice, shea butter, and other botanical.

Fine Line and Wrinkles: The Final Verdict

You don't have to rely on surgeries or expensive cosmetics to get rid of Fine lines and wrinkles. It doesn't have to be difficult! Pick one of the suggested methods and stick to it. You will surely see results if you do this on regular basis. Also, have a look at some of our other skincare products. You never know when you can find a perfect blend for your skin.

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